Stone Soup Saturday Meal

Saturday, May 21, 2022, 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm
399 Main Street, Greenfield, MA - Red Door on Hope Street

Join us for Bee Fest this Saturday!

Greenfield celebrates bees in a special way on Saturday! ?We honor the local Greenfield gentleman, Lorenzo Langstroth, the "Father of modern beekeeping" -- and we like to honor our favorite contemporary local beekeepers too!! Shout out to a friend of the Café, Ang Roell at They Keep Bees!!

Watch Ang speak about what bees can teach us about shaping social change in this awesome presentation from the Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming --

RSVP for this delicious Saturday lunch HERE!

MEAL DELIVERY orders close at 5 PM on Friday, but walk-up curbside orders are always welcome!

---> Pay-What-You-Can for your meal here!

---> Pay-For-A-Neighbor's meal here!

---> Volunteer to cook, serve, or deliver the meal here!

With Lots o' Love,

Chef Kirsten and the Café Crew!