Saturday, September 17, 2022, 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm
399 Main Street, Greenfield, MA - Red Door on Hope Street
The U.S. Constitution, eh?The oldest in the world, they say...Foundation of our democracyFraught with colonial hypocrisy!Ignoring those who were here firstRights for women and people of color reversedLucky for us amendments existSo, my friends, we must persist!
On this Constitution Day, let’s look deeply and critically at how this document may have offered a republican form of government for some, but denied humanity to others, and contributed to the system of white supremacy we still need to dismantle.
Black lives did not matter to the rich white men who wrote the U.S. Constitution in 1787. About 40 percent of them were enslavers — including George Washington and James Madison, the so-called father of the Constitution. Whatever private qualms some of these men may have had about treating people as property, these did not show up in what they produced. The U.S. Constitution was a document of oppression for enslaved people.
---> Have your meals delivered!
---> Pay-What-You-Can for your meal
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---> Volunteer at the cafe on Friday & Saturday
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(413) 376 - 8277!