20th Annual Harvest Supper

Save the Date!

Saturday, August 23, 2025

Celebrating local food, farms, and community!


Every August the community comes together to share the bountiful harvest! Farmers, local producers of goods, and talented chefs all donate their time, talent, and products to create an amazing meal served on the Greenfield Town Common!

This supper is made for neighbors, by neighbors! It takes a whole community to make a great community event. Hundreds of volunteers, over thirty farms, a dozen organizations, and countless home gardeners (along with over 1,000 hungry diners!) help make the Harvest Supper a success every year.

The meal is offered on a pay-what-you-can basis. We welcome anyone to give what they can to help defer the costs of the meal and contribute to Stone Soup's weekly programs. You can give online or send checks made out to “The Stone Soup Café” to PO Box 57, Greenfield, MA 01302. Please note “Harvest Supper” on the check.

The "Free Farmer's Market" is another way in which community members can contribute to the Harvest Supper. Gardeners and farmers are welcome to bring the overflow of extra produce they have, and, in accordance with its name, all of the produce is free to take home. In past years, the produce offered has included peaches, apples, eggs, tomatoes, squash, greens, flowers, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and more. To donate, just bring your veggies to the town common between 4pm and 5pm.


4pm - Appetizers are served
4:30pm - Food Line Opens
6:30pm - Food Line Closes
7:00pm - Harvest Supper ends

2024 Harvest Supper Financial Sponsors



History of Harvest Supper

Photo by Geoff Bluh: Juanita and Wally at the Greenfield Farmer's Market 1996

The Harvest Supper was created when a group of passionate farmers, foodies, and community advocates believed that all our neighbors should be able to access the amazing abundance of food in our happy valley. It was started in 2005 by Juanita Nelson. She was an ardent pacifist, war tax resister, civil rights activist, and supporter of local, organic agriculture. She and her husband, Wally, helped found the Pioneer Valley War Tax Resisters, the Greenfield Farmers Market, and the Valley Community Land Trust. After Wally's death in 2002, she was instrumental in launching Greenfield’s "Free Harvest Supper," which has since become an annual tradition in the community ever since!

Nelson, a lifelong activist arrested numerous times at tax resistance and civil rights protests during the 1960s and 1970s and beyond, moved to Deerfield with her husband, Wally, in 1974 to practice organic farming.

For the Nelsons, encouraging people to grow their own food and to support local farming as part of the local economy was another expression of their all-encompassing nonviolence, expressing their will through their lives against agribusiness and an exploitative economic system. Juanita Nelson died in 2015 at the age of 91.

Become a Sponsor!

Showcase your business to over 150 volunteers and hundreds of Greenfield residents!

Up to 1,000 people of all ages participate in this event every year. Help us fund this uniquely Greenfield event and support the ongoing mission of Stone Soup Café.

We have multiple sponsorship levels available for this year’s 19th Annual Harvest Supper. (See adjacent image.)


If you’d like to be a sponsor please go to our giving page here: https://givebutter.com/c/HarvestSupper24 or send a check to Stone Soup Café PO Box 57, Greenfield MA 01302

Art Fundraiser

Stone Soup Café is thrilled to announce its first-ever Harvest Supper Art Auction, a celebration of local artists and a fundraiser for Stone Soup Café.

This exciting auction features 35 talented artists, including Belinda Zucker, Bobby Brown, Cameron Schmitz, Cathy Wysocki, Christine Mirabal, Frank Gregory, Geoffrey Bluh, Hannah Richards, Joan Green, Jorie Morgan, Jules Jones, Lindy Whiton, Linn Bower, Lydia Kinney, Rhea Banker, Ryan McGinn, and Whitney Robbins.

A selection of artworks are on display at the Greenfield Public Library beginning Friday, August 16th in the first-floor conference room. Other items will also be viewable at Rise Above Bakery and inside Stone Soup Café from Monday, August 19th until Harvest Supper on August 24th, at which point all art will be transferred to the Greenfield Town Common for the event.

The money raised from this auction will directly benefit our weekly Pay-What-You-Can Community Meal helping us provide ongoing nourishment and support to our community.

Online bidding for the Art Auction is now live. Bidding ends Monday, Aug 26th at 7pm.


Harvest Supper Over the Years...